Physica Energetics New SpectraLyte Now with Pure Himalayan Shilajit and 1.5 mg of Lithium Orotate
Due to Covid-19 related shipping challenges our supply of Pure Himalayan Shilajit did not arrive on time to be added into the first batch of the Enhanced SpectraLyte formula as was originally planned. However, it has now and passed our rigorous testing criteria designed to comprehensively evaluate its biological composition, identity, strength, quality, purity and its unique bioenergetic integrity and signature. As such, we are delighted to confirm this is the Pure Himalayan Shilajit that Julia Cass Curry and I personally sourced on our research trip in 2019!
Incidentally, this is the same high quality Pure Himalayan Shilajit containing humic and fulvic acids, dibenzo-alpha pyrones chromoproteins, DNA plant vestiges, amino acids, peptides, nucleic acids and ionic/electrolytic trace minerals, that is integrated into our Next Generation, BioPhotonic Signaling Matrix Botanical Base for the Spagyric ethno-Intrinsic Botanicals. This is the real thing! Ancient and vibrant, direct from its majestic source reaching towards the heavens at @14,000 ++ feet.
Shilajit has been known and used for centuries by the Ayurvedic medicine, as a rejuvenator and as anti-aging compound. There are two important characteristics of a rasayana compound in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine to increase physical strength and to promote human health. Ask the Sherpas who lug the equipment and supplies of mountain climbers and researches up and down these mountains daily and they’ll tell you that it’s the secret to a long and happy life, and respiratory and musculo-skeletal strength!
Briefly, Shilajit is a natural substance found mainly in the Himalayas, formed for centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by the action of microorganisms. Recent investigations point to an interesting medical application toward the control of cognitive disorders associated with aging, and cognitive stimulation. Humic substances containing fulvic acid as one of the main active principles, blocks tau self-aggregation, opens another avenue toward the study of Alzheimer's therapy. The organic molecules of shilajit and particularly humic/fulvic acids, and oligoelements act at both the molecular and cellular levels and in the whole organism. Carrasco-Gallardo C, Guzmán L, Maccioni RB. Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;2012:674142. doi:10.1155/2012/674142
I’m so glad we’ve been able to complete the original Causal Chain intention of the Lithium Orotate enhanced SpectraLyte with the addition of Lithium Orotate and now with our Pure Himalayan Shilajit. The implication potential of SpectraLyte has been amplified beyond a powerful alkalizing ionic/electrolytic trace mineral remedy (hormonal stress, pH, structural, electron transport, right spin corrective etc) to now include brain, emotional, anti-aging and increased antioxidant capacity.
Many of you know, that for decades now, I have been studying and experimenting with some of the work of German biophysicist and researcher, Professor Fritz Albert Popp. BioPhotonics play a significant role in the Physica Energetics’ botanical and homeopathic formulations and to some degree in the matrix nutritionals. After all, the “kingdoms of this world” (including us!) may well be described energetically, or in terms of Physics, as multi-dimensional levels of concentrated light. This is easy to observe insofar as plants are alchemically concerned, chlorophyll notwithstanding. But water, air, stone…us? To quote Dr. Popp, “We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.” Not just as a poetic symbol, but quite literally.
More to come on this later but for now let’s look at an essential micro-nutrient/mineral that causes the sun, stars and meteorites to burn brightly with the flame of a highly reactive element - Lithium.
We tend not to think of lithium as an essential mineral in human physiology. It tends to be associated, almost exclusively as a dangerous drug used to treat mental illness. However, lithium, as one of the three original elements, is found throughout our atmosphere (hydrogen, helium and lithium). In the earth, it reveals itself in significant amounts in sea water, mineral springs, and soils. As such, it’s a vital component in the naturally occurring, causal chain patterning of the 72 alkalizing, electrolytic trace minerals composing one of Physica Energetics’ most popular and essential clinical remedies – SpectraLyte.
SpectraLyte continues to assay consistently, as always. However, the earth itself and our lifestyles are changing (in many cases dramatically) seeking to offset and compensate for the increased toxic burden.
Because a major source of dietary lithium can arguably (!) come from municipal water supplies, the exponential increase of drinking popular purified “boutique” and other bottled water appears to be a causative factor to ongoing lithium dietary deficiency requiring enhanced supplementation.
To replenish this increasing nutritional deficiency, we have found it effective to additionally add elemental Lithium Orotate, the mineral salt form used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA, as per the internationally acclaimed work of one of the great luminaries of our time, Dr. Hans Nieper MD. Neutrally charged lithium orotate salts, pass easily through cell membranes transporting the mineral atoms into cells and tissues, producing higher concentrations and creating a clinically enhanced SpectraLyte formula.
In other words, a balanced increase in dietary lithium may be needed to support healthy brain receptor function and brain signaling cascades. You might even find that your patients’ mood naturally brightens in response merely because they are no longer having to work with a dietary lithium deficiency.
By the way, Physica Energetics hasn’t increased the price. We just want you and your patients to have the benefits of our ongoing international research projects.
Shine on, Peace & Good Health!
Dr. Robert Cass
Master Formulator, Alchemist
Physica Energetics Formulator
Physica Energetics New SpectraLyte Now with Pure Himalayan Shilajit and 1.5 mg of Lithium Orotate
Due to Covid-19 related shipping challenges our supply of Pure Himalayan Shilajit did not arrive on time to be added into the first batch of the Enhanced SpectraLyte formula as was originally planned. However, it has now and passed our rigorous testing criteria designed to comprehensively evaluate its biological composition, identity, strength, quality, purity and its unique bioenergetic integrity and signature. As such, we are delighted to confirm this is the Pure Himalayan Shilajit that Julia Cass Curry and I personally sourced on our research trip in 2019!
Incidentally, this is the same high quality Pure Himalayan Shilajit containing humic and fulvic acids, dibenzo-alpha pyrones chromoproteins, DNA plant vestiges, amino acids, peptides, nucleic acids and ionic/electrolytic trace minerals, that is integrated into our Next Generation, BioPhotonic Signaling Matrix Botanical Base for the Spagyric ethno-Intrinsic Botanicals. This is the real thing! Ancient and vibrant, direct from its majestic source reaching towards the heavens at @14,000 ++ feet.
Shilajit has been known and used for centuries by the Ayurvedic medicine, as a rejuvenator and as anti-aging compound. There are two important characteristics of a rasayana compound in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine to increase physical strength and to promote human health. Ask the Sherpas who lug the equipment and supplies of mountain climbers and researches up and down these mountains daily and they’ll tell you that it’s the secret to a long and happy life, and respiratory and musculo-skeletal strength!
Briefly, Shilajit is a natural substance found mainly in the Himalayas, formed for centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by the action of microorganisms. Recent investigations point to an interesting medical application toward the control of cognitive disorders associated with aging, and cognitive stimulation. Humic substances containing fulvic acid as one of the main active principles, blocks tau self-aggregation, opens another avenue toward the study of Alzheimer's therapy. The organic molecules of shilajit and particularly humic/fulvic acids, and oligoelements act at both the molecular and cellular levels and in the whole organism. Carrasco-Gallardo C, Guzmán L, Maccioni RB. Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;2012:674142. doi:10.1155/2012/674142
I’m so glad we’ve been able to complete the original Causal Chain intention of the Lithium Orotate enhanced SpectraLyte with the addition of Lithium Orotate and now with our Pure Himalayan Shilajit. The implication potential of SpectraLyte has been amplified beyond a powerful alkalizing ionic/electrolytic trace mineral remedy (hormonal stress, pH, structural, electron transport, right spin corrective etc) to now include brain, emotional, anti-aging and increased antioxidant capacity.
Many of you know, that for decades now, I have been studying and experimenting with some of the work of German biophysicist and researcher, Professor Fritz Albert Popp. BioPhotonics play a significant role in the Physica Energetics’ botanical and homeopathic formulations and to some degree in the matrix nutritionals. After all, the “kingdoms of this world” (including us!) may well be described energetically, or in terms of Physics, as multi-dimensional levels of concentrated light. This is easy to observe insofar as plants are alchemically concerned, chlorophyll notwithstanding. But water, air, stone…us? To quote Dr. Popp, “We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.” Not just as a poetic symbol, but quite literally.
More to come on this later but for now let’s look at an essential micro-nutrient/mineral that causes the sun, stars and meteorites to burn brightly with the flame of a highly reactive element - Lithium.
We tend not to think of lithium as an essential mineral in human physiology. It tends to be associated, almost exclusively as a dangerous drug used to treat mental illness. However, lithium, as one of the three original elements, is found throughout our atmosphere (hydrogen, helium and lithium). In the earth, it reveals itself in significant amounts in sea water, mineral springs, and soils. As such, it’s a vital component in the naturally occurring, causal chain patterning of the 72 alkalizing, electrolytic trace minerals composing one of Physica Energetics’ most popular and essential clinical remedies – SpectraLyte.
SpectraLyte continues to assay consistently, as always. However, the earth itself and our lifestyles are changing (in many cases dramatically) seeking to offset and compensate for the increased toxic burden.
Because a major source of dietary lithium can arguably (!) come from municipal water supplies, the exponential increase of drinking popular purified “boutique” and other bottled water appears to be a causative factor to ongoing lithium dietary deficiency requiring enhanced supplementation.
To replenish this increasing nutritional deficiency, we have found it effective to additionally add elemental Lithium Orotate, the mineral salt form used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA, as per the internationally acclaimed work of one of the great luminaries of our time, Dr. Hans Nieper MD. Neutrally charged lithium orotate salts, pass easily through cell membranes transporting the mineral atoms into cells and tissues, producing higher concentrations and creating a clinically enhanced SpectraLyte formula.
In other words, a balanced increase in dietary lithium may be needed to support healthy brain receptor function and brain signaling cascades. You might even find that your patients’ mood naturally brightens in response merely because they are no longer having to work with a dietary lithium deficiency.
By the way, Physica Energetics hasn’t increased the price. We just want you and your patients to have the benefits of our ongoing international research projects.
Shine on, Peace & Good Health!
Dr. Robert Cass
Master Formulator, Alchemist
Physica Energetics Formulator
Physica Energetics New SpectraLyte Now with Pure Himalayan Shilajit and 1.5 mg of Lithium Orotate
Due to Covid-19 related shipping challenges our supply of Pure Himalayan Shilajit did not arrive on time to be added into the first batch of the Enhanced SpectraLyte formula as was originally planned. However, it has now and passed our rigorous testing criteria designed to comprehensively evaluate its biological composition, identity, strength, quality, purity and its unique bioenergetic integrity and signature. As such, we are delighted to confirm this is the Pure Himalayan Shilajit that Julia Cass Curry and I personally sourced on our research trip in 2019!
Incidentally, this is the same high quality Pure Himalayan Shilajit containing humic and fulvic acids, dibenzo-alpha pyrones chromoproteins, DNA plant vestiges, amino acids, peptides, nucleic acids and ionic/electrolytic trace minerals, that is integrated into our Next Generation, BioPhotonic Signaling Matrix Botanical Base for the Spagyric ethno-Intrinsic Botanicals. This is the real thing! Ancient and vibrant, direct from its majestic source reaching towards the heavens at @14,000 ++ feet.
Shilajit has been known and used for centuries by the Ayurvedic medicine, as a rejuvenator and as anti-aging compound. There are two important characteristics of a rasayana compound in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine to increase physical strength and to promote human health. Ask the Sherpas who lug the equipment and supplies of mountain climbers and researches up and down these mountains daily and they’ll tell you that it’s the secret to a long and happy life, and respiratory and musculo-skeletal strength!
Briefly, Shilajit is a natural substance found mainly in the Himalayas, formed for centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by the action of microorganisms. Recent investigations point to an interesting medical application toward the control of cognitive disorders associated with aging, and cognitive stimulation. Humic substances containing fulvic acid as one of the main active principles, blocks tau self-aggregation, opens another avenue toward the study of Alzheimer's therapy. The organic molecules of shilajit and particularly humic/fulvic acids, and oligoelements act at both the molecular and cellular levels and in the whole organism. Carrasco-Gallardo C, Guzmán L, Maccioni RB. Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;2012:674142. doi:10.1155/2012/674142
I’m so glad we’ve been able to complete the original Causal Chain intention of the Lithium Orotate enhanced SpectraLyte with the addition of Lithium Orotate and now with our Pure Himalayan Shilajit. The implication potential of SpectraLyte has been amplified beyond a powerful alkalizing ionic/electrolytic trace mineral remedy (hormonal stress, pH, structural, electron transport, right spin corrective etc) to now include brain, emotional, anti-aging and increased antioxidant capacity.
Many of you know, that for decades now, I have been studying and experimenting with some of the work of German biophysicist and researcher, Professor Fritz Albert Popp. BioPhotonics play a significant role in the Physica Energetics’ botanical and homeopathic formulations and to some degree in the matrix nutritionals. After all, the “kingdoms of this world” (including us!) may well be described energetically, or in terms of Physics, as multi-dimensional levels of concentrated light. This is easy to observe insofar as plants are alchemically concerned, chlorophyll notwithstanding. But water, air, stone…us? To quote Dr. Popp, “We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.” Not just as a poetic symbol, but quite literally.
More to come on this later but for now let’s look at an essential micro-nutrient/mineral that causes the sun, stars and meteorites to burn brightly with the flame of a highly reactive element - Lithium.
We tend not to think of lithium as an essential mineral in human physiology. It tends to be associated, almost exclusively as a dangerous drug used to treat mental illness. However, lithium, as one of the three original elements, is found throughout our atmosphere (hydrogen, helium and lithium). In the earth, it reveals itself in significant amounts in sea water, mineral springs, and soils. As such, it’s a vital component in the naturally occurring, causal chain patterning of the 72 alkalizing, electrolytic trace minerals composing one of Physica Energetics’ most popular and essential clinical remedies – SpectraLyte.
SpectraLyte continues to assay consistently, as always. However, the earth itself and our lifestyles are changing (in many cases dramatically) seeking to offset and compensate for the increased toxic burden.
Because a major source of dietary lithium can arguably (!) come from municipal water supplies, the exponential increase of drinking popular purified “boutique” and other bottled water appears to be a causative factor to ongoing lithium dietary deficiency requiring enhanced supplementation.
To replenish this increasing nutritional deficiency, we have found it effective to additionally add elemental Lithium Orotate, the mineral salt form used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA, as per the internationally acclaimed work of one of the great luminaries of our time, Dr. Hans Nieper MD. Neutrally charged lithium orotate salts, pass easily through cell membranes transporting the mineral atoms into cells and tissues, producing higher concentrations and creating a clinically enhanced SpectraLyte formula.
In other words, a balanced increase in dietary lithium may be needed to support healthy brain receptor function and brain signaling cascades. You might even find that your patients’ mood naturally brightens in response merely because they are no longer having to work with a dietary lithium deficiency.
By the way, Physica Energetics hasn’t increased the price. We just want you and your patients to have the benefits of our ongoing international research projects.
Shine on, Peace & Good Health!
Dr. Robert Cass
Master Formulator, Alchemist
Physica Energetics Formulator
Physica Energetics New SpectraLyte Now with Pure Himalayan Shilajit and 1.5 mg of Lithium Orotate
Due to Covid-19 related shipping challenges our supply of Pure Himalayan Shilajit did not arrive on time to be added into the first batch of the Enhanced SpectraLyte formula as was originally planned. However, it has now and passed our rigorous testing criteria designed to comprehensively evaluate its biological composition, identity, strength, quality, purity and its unique bioenergetic integrity and signature. As such, we are delighted to confirm this is the Pure Himalayan Shilajit that Julia Cass Curry and I personally sourced on our research trip in 2019!
Incidentally, this is the same high quality Pure Himalayan Shilajit containing humic and fulvic acids, dibenzo-alpha pyrones chromoproteins, DNA plant vestiges, amino acids, peptides, nucleic acids and ionic/electrolytic trace minerals, that is integrated into our Next Generation, BioPhotonic Signaling Matrix Botanical Base for the Spagyric ethno-Intrinsic Botanicals. This is the real thing! Ancient and vibrant, direct from its majestic source reaching towards the heavens at @14,000 ++ feet.
Shilajit has been known and used for centuries by the Ayurvedic medicine, as a rejuvenator and as anti-aging compound. There are two important characteristics of a rasayana compound in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine to increase physical strength and to promote human health. Ask the Sherpas who lug the equipment and supplies of mountain climbers and researches up and down these mountains daily and they’ll tell you that it’s the secret to a long and happy life, and respiratory and musculo-skeletal strength!
Briefly, Shilajit is a natural substance found mainly in the Himalayas, formed for centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by the action of microorganisms. Recent investigations point to an interesting medical application toward the control of cognitive disorders associated with aging, and cognitive stimulation. Humic substances containing fulvic acid as one of the main active principles, blocks tau self-aggregation, opens another avenue toward the study of Alzheimer's therapy. The organic molecules of shilajit and particularly humic/fulvic acids, and oligoelements act at both the molecular and cellular levels and in the whole organism. Carrasco-Gallardo C, Guzmán L, Maccioni RB. Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;2012:674142. doi:10.1155/2012/674142
I’m so glad we’ve been able to complete the original Causal Chain intention of the Lithium Orotate enhanced SpectraLyte with the addition of Lithium Orotate and now with our Pure Himalayan Shilajit. The implication potential of SpectraLyte has been amplified beyond a powerful alkalizing ionic/electrolytic trace mineral remedy (hormonal stress, pH, structural, electron transport, right spin corrective etc) to now include brain, emotional, anti-aging and increased antioxidant capacity.
Many of you know, that for decades now, I have been studying and experimenting with some of the work of German biophysicist and researcher, Professor Fritz Albert Popp. BioPhotonics play a significant role in the Physica Energetics’ botanical and homeopathic formulations and to some degree in the matrix nutritionals. After all, the “kingdoms of this world” (including us!) may well be described energetically, or in terms of Physics, as multi-dimensional levels of concentrated light. This is easy to observe insofar as plants are alchemically concerned, chlorophyll notwithstanding. But water, air, stone…us? To quote Dr. Popp, “We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.” Not just as a poetic symbol, but quite literally.
More to come on this later but for now let’s look at an essential micro-nutrient/mineral that causes the sun, stars and meteorites to burn brightly with the flame of a highly reactive element - Lithium.
We tend not to think of lithium as an essential mineral in human physiology. It tends to be associated, almost exclusively as a dangerous drug used to treat mental illness. However, lithium, as one of the three original elements, is found throughout our atmosphere (hydrogen, helium and lithium). In the earth, it reveals itself in significant amounts in sea water, mineral springs, and soils. As such, it’s a vital component in the naturally occurring, causal chain patterning of the 72 alkalizing, electrolytic trace minerals composing one of Physica Energetics’ most popular and essential clinical remedies – SpectraLyte.
SpectraLyte continues to assay consistently, as always. However, the earth itself and our lifestyles are changing (in many cases dramatically) seeking to offset and compensate for the increased toxic burden.
Because a major source of dietary lithium can arguably (!) come from municipal water supplies, the exponential increase of drinking popular purified “boutique” and other bottled water appears to be a causative factor to ongoing lithium dietary deficiency requiring enhanced supplementation.
To replenish this increasing nutritional deficiency, we have found it effective to additionally add elemental Lithium Orotate, the mineral salt form used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA, as per the internationally acclaimed work of one of the great luminaries of our time, Dr. Hans Nieper MD. Neutrally charged lithium orotate salts, pass easily through cell membranes transporting the mineral atoms into cells and tissues, producing higher concentrations and creating a clinically enhanced SpectraLyte formula.
In other words, a balanced increase in dietary lithium may be needed to support healthy brain receptor function and brain signaling cascades. You might even find that your patients’ mood naturally brightens in response merely because they are no longer having to work with a dietary lithium deficiency.
By the way, Physica Energetics hasn’t increased the price. We just want you and your patients to have the benefits of our ongoing international research projects.
Shine on, Peace & Good Health!
Dr. Robert Cass
Master Formulator, Alchemist
Physica Energetics Formulator
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